Letter from Pastor Bland

Reflecting back to May 2023, all I can do is smile. What a month! What a turning point for the church! What unity and excitement!What growth! It was our first ever Healthy Homes month at The Sanctuary—and it was a huge hit.

That is why I am so excited about May 2024 at TheSanctuary. There are already many exciting things planned: Lessons from the Living Room, food trucks, breakout sessions, family challenge, Pentecost Sunday, graduation service, serve opportunities, ladies’ get-together, guy’s going to Top Golf, single mom’s special day, Kokomo Joes, and the list continues.

Start making plans now to get involved in as many areas as you possibly can. Our push this year is for everyone to understand they are members of the family of God. You are needed! There is an important part that only you can play and a vital job that only you can do. But you are not just needed. You are wanted, you are gifted, and you are loved. We are so thankful God placed you at The Sanctuary. All of us “fitly framed together” comprise the body of Christ. Every person is essential.

Our overall theme for 2024 is Connect. This month is going to be a great way for us to do just that. We can literally live this out in fun, exciting, and powerful ways. First and foremost, we want to connect to God. Be in prayer this month for God to speak to you and show you ways you can draw closer to Him.

Secondly, we want to connect to our natural family that God has given us. Whatever our family dynamics look like, we want to strive to draw closer to them, as we all draw closer to Jesus. And, finally, we want to connect to others. We are not islands, we were not created to be isolated, we are made to have relationships of all kinds. When we work to help one another, to “bear one another’s burdens,” and to be an example to others—what powerful, blessed things will transpire!

At The Sanctuary, there is such a good feeling in the atmosphere. Great things are happening, and even greater things are in store.

There’s something for everyone

The month of May is full of events for the whole family! From Lessons from the Living Room to our Wednesday night series on relational health, each event is strategically designed to promote the formation of healthy homes. Click the link below to register for the various events.